Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Episode 40 - "The government is NEVER wrong, about ANYTHING!"

PCX reviews Morlock 2001 #1


Blogger Task said...

what the fuck?!? no quote from the episode...don't get lazy on me dammit


March 22, 2007 8:10 PM  
Blogger T Mafia said...

The end of pullquotes (aka the "year one" post format), like alternating solo 'casts with the co-hosted episodes, is just a necessary evil in my mad push to attempt to get the show out once a week again (though as always since I took over PCX with #16, I can at least promise "bi-weekly"!)

That said, it's good to know that (unlike one or two more...fickle former posters I can think of) you're still around; I remember you had some comics in mind you thought might make for a good show; if so, feel free to share...!


THOOM said... (in the comments thread for #39, regarding John Byrne)

As far as his work is concerned, what's to be conflicted about? Marvel Team-Up, X-Men, FF, Alpha Flight and Superman were stellar.
If there were a comic book hall of fame, he'd be in it.

Wow, where do I start? Actually, I thought his MTU work with Claremont was "just okay". Granted, he was the only artist who could make Captain Britain's eyesore of an original costume sort of work.

The early issues of his FF run were overwritten in the extreme and showed that the man has no business inking himself.

Alpha Flight (and never mind that no one seemed to have told him, at least for that first year, that this was supposed to be a team book) was where I remember he started skimping not only on background details, but on backgrounds!

...and as a Superman (and more importantly in this case, Superman mythos) fanatic, you reallly don't want to know what I think of Byrne's interpretation...

As far as comic book halls of fame go, there actually is one (it's part of the Eisner Awards), and Byrne's not in it (okay, to be fair, they've only just gotten around to inducting Jim Steranko, so someone who began his career back in the seventies would probably still have a wait).

The one point I'll agree with you on is that JB did indeed draw a decent X-book. Unless of course, you compare his Uncanny work to that of Neal Adams. Or Paul Smith. Or Alan Davis. Or...

March 23, 2007 6:36 PM  
Blogger T Mafia said...

Hey Robert, yes , I too miss the pullquotes...but I must respect the wishes of my future baby daddy, T Mafia. He's such a driven soul.... I do hope that you still found the episode entertaining....and thanks for sticking around...

March 25, 2007 8:19 AM  
Blogger MC_TREKKIE said...

You should feel Hazukashii, Mafia-san

The quality of you blog has fallen to that of your American Ford Pinto.

Your former poster children are not fickle- they are indeed disturbed


March 27, 2007 12:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I first heard this episode, I heard 2001 and the 70's and wondered if it was going to be about Superman #300 ("Superman 2001, from 1976. Anyway, any plans on doing this issue?

(And while we're at it, when I post a comment, why is the screen in Japanese?)

April 04, 2007 5:58 PM  
Blogger T Mafia said...

Unless you're riffing on Trekkie's use of the word "Hazukashii" above, I dunno; being monolingual myself, I'm just glad that I don't seem to have that particular problem over here on my end (and also, because that's just plain weird.)

I've never read that Superman comic, but I'll download it - it sounds like the sort of thing that'd make for a good Starhawk episode some day.

April 05, 2007 6:31 PM  
Blogger XantesFire said...

PCX: The Classics Tour.

Like the writer of Morlock cares that his comic was wrong about the future? He got paid decades ago and is probably dead.

Spongebob is so crazy.

Wicked Truth is dead?!

The "everyone born in 2001 fully clothed" conspiracy, I tend to side with the people who claim it was a Christians conspiracy, that they thought all nudity should be banned and they did it with nanites.

Vixen watched the Doctor in the 80's? Suddenly I'm in love.

I saw Zardoz a long time ago when I was a kid, I misremembered it and thought it was about a guy from the past ending up in the future and they wanted something from him so the bored immortals could start dying again.

Why Rosie as Betty? Were there no funny skinny women then? Young Janeane Garofalo would have been a great Betty.

Flintstone vitamins had Wilma, Betty was added right after the movie, there was a petition movement. But they took away the car.

May 26, 2011 8:28 AM  

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